Read along as we try out new recipes together!

Monday, May 31, 2010

Welcome to my (our) blog!

Once upon a time, Katie and Chris started dating. And out of laziness, tiredness, or maybe just being hungry and cheese-lovers, they began eating lots of pizza. Don't get me wrong, I love pizza, but I also love to cook and would prefer to eat healthier.. So we came up with a plan! We started looking up recipes, writing grocery lists, and doing a grocery trip at the beginning of the week to be ready for a week's worth of yummy dinners (and leftover lunches for me!). We had a good beginning streak of 3 weeks - then my family was in town for a week, then report cards arrived in my mail box at school, and Memorial Day weekend came along... anyways, I am hoping that blogging about our cooking will get us back on track. I have 3 more weeks of school until summer break (13 days of teaching left for me! Woohoo!) so I'm also hoping lots of free time in the summer will equal lots of fun new recipes.

Happy reading - and eating - :)


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